Saturday, 16 April 2011

Portal 2 and Gears of War 3! *droooool*

So, I think this video by College Humor is worthwhile for anyone interested in Portal or the impending release of Portal 2 (SO EXCITED!! GRAAAGGHH!! It's so soon and so awesome! GLADOS!!! EXCLAMATION MARKS!)

Except the frakking video won't fit into the blog post borders and looks all stupid, and blogger is being silly because I can't find it on youtube, so I'm just going to post a link to it and hope you watch it... because it's funny.

Anyway! This is how excited I am for Portal 2:

WOAH!! Sorry, that's totally not me... Hang on, lemme find a proper picture.... Ah! Here we go:

OFUCK!! That's not me either! Oh man, I'm being so unprofessional right now, I'm sorry, I swear I'll find the right slide for the projector next time!

Either way, both of those Locusts look really happy and excited! So I'm guessing that you get the point by now, that I'm extremely excited about Portal 2 coming out  (can you tell yet that I'm excited about Gears of War 3 aswell?). It looks like Portal 2 is going to be a fantastic game. I know I enjoyed the 1st one so much that I just ended up finishing it within about a days (or two) worth of gameplay time. And then you know what I did? I freaking played it again. Right away. That's right, I forfeited being remotely like a normal human being who goes out and lives their lives for about a day or two, simply because I was hooked on Portal. I'm not proud of how quickly I can get sucked into a game, but at the same time... it was awesome.

In case you haven't seen a trailer yet, here's a Portal 2 Trailer:

Also, who's excited for Gears of War 3? The beta is out, and there have been masses of people on Twitter giving out VIP codes for GoW3, and I think they might still be doing them, so go out on twitter and just try and find the people who are. I haven't managed to get one, but it's aight. Not such a big deal to me about codes, I just want to play the game.

The multiplayer does look a lot better than 1 and 2, so I'm looking forward to that. Plus, the execution kills look absofuckinglutely AWESOME! If you haven't seen any trailers for it (or have been hiding under a rock lately), then here you go! The first link is better, in my opinion. Again, it's in link form because I can't find them on youtube (CURSES!)

Awesomeness still continues!

Thoughts, anyone? Or if you just wanna post funny pictures of locusts, I'm very open to that too.

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