Sunday 24 April 2011

Jobs, leftovers, and tattoos

Things have been pretty complacent these days. I haven't managed to get a job yet, so as such I haven't had moneyz to throw around and get Portal 2. This makes me sad, but I'll live. I'm just feeling pretty downtrodden about not getting a job yet. I haven't managed to get a job in over a year now, and each time I talk to my father about when I'm going to get a job, he just laughs and says I'm a lost cause. It's not like I haven't been trying; I've been plastering the town with resumes everywhere. I just wish I could make some money to start being independent from my parents.

Anyway, that's that. On other news, I made an awesome dinner last night! Those who know me don't really know of my cooking skills... mostly because I don't cook often at all. This time, I made penne arrabiata and roasted potatoes! It was awesome, and made for great leftovers for this morning. Mmmmm... leftovers.

This post isn't very fun, so I'm going to post a super cool picture!

You know, as soon as I get a job and get some money, I'm going to get that tattoo that I've always wanted. I want a small Stegosaurus tattoo on the inside of my hip, so that no one can see it (unless you're my boyfriend.. honhonhon!!), even if I'm wearing a bikini. I really want this tattoo, and I've wanted it for a while. The boyo doesn't really like tattooed femmes, but I've wanted a tattoo all my life, so he can just deal with it (SUCK IIITTT!!). 

Are there any tattoos you guys would like to share with me? Any ones that you've wanted or have seen that you love? Any ones that you actually have? I'd love to see all of them!

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