Sunday 10 April 2011

Crayons, dinos, and cake

So I hung out with the boyo's family for most of yesterday. It was fun, yet odd. Each time I hang out with them, I realize more and more how comfortable a family is meant to be with each other. Either way, my family is nowhere near as comfortable together as my bf's family is. Ah well, each family is different, no two are the same, the grass is greener on the other side, <insert more clichéd sayings here>, if you feed a cold you'll have to starve a fever!?!?

Sorry, I got a bit carried away with sayings.

Anyway, that was endeavor was fun. His step-sis is young, and has met me maybe three times now, and as such, she became quite attached (you know how kids are with new people sometimes... I feel like a shiny new toy :D). The boyo, his sis, step-sis and I all drew on the table at the restaurant with crayons (though not to worry, there was paper on the table, as it was a dinner for after a footie tournament for under-13s), and I think we all did rather well. I'll upload my drawings down below. I was tasked to draw a Bulbasaur, but it's been a while since I collected pokemon cards and played the game, regardless of my nintendo DS and my two pokemon games on that. I haven't encountered a bulbasaur there, but I DID catch Lugia! Anyway, the point is, is that I was searching on google for what the hell it looks like, and I came across this:

Full pic of it here

How awesome is that?! I don't know who the artist is, but I'm loving the anatomical explanation of what a Bulbasaur is!

My drawings. The bulbasaur is up there by the salad, just click on the picture to enlarge it.

By the way, I'm posting this from my bed (as usual), on a sunday morning. So relaxing. Also, my bf is asleep, so I can girl out and look at sites concerning girly things... and also Cake Wrecks, which is an awesome site that can usually either provoke amazement, or hilarity. Every sunday they give a post of awesome cakes, instead of the usual wrecks. This sunday is one about tattooed cakes (awesome!), but previous sundays have had ones about wedding cakes.... and I loooove them. I just want them everyday of my life. So pretty. This is the one that I want on my wedding day:

Daisy cake (by Gail Watson over at Custom Cakes)

Wow, this post is pretty picture and link heavy, huh? I think I've been browsing the internet for too long this morning. I also need breakfast, but it might just be turning noon soon, so I guess it's brunch. I might poke the bf until he's awake, and suggest we go out for brunch... mmm... foooood.... *drool*

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