Monday, 4 July 2011

GADZOOKS, a post!!

Hmmm... It's been a while since my last post. To be honest, I kinda forgot that I even had a blog. These things slip my mind occasionally. I guess this post will be to update a bit, post a few pictures, and have a little fun :D

Well, I got a job as an ice cream counter attendant, but unfortunately, it only lasted a day because of the terrible experience I had with it. I started off pretty nervous, since I didn't have any training whatsoever, and was expecting my boss to come in to help me out a bit, since she said she would. She never showed up. I didn't even know how to open the cash register, because no one told me that it was basically a glorified cash box and all you had to do was poke one button to open it. I had to figure out the debit machine, which was pretty easy, but could have been bad. I didn't know how to properly make a milkshake, and was wary of the mixer. I didn't know which bottles of cleaning fluids to use, because there were five of them and none of them were labelled (I found out later that one of them was corrosive... Go figure. I'm glad I didn't use that one). It was a 7 hour CLOSING shift, and I didn't know how to close up the shop, so that was stressful, adding to the fact that my shift was from 6 PM till 1 AM, and ended up leaving at 2 AM. There wasn't a chair behind the till at all, so I was on my feet for 7 hours straight, and my back ended up being really sore. The next day, my wrist hurt like hell and I felt like I sprained it. It hurt picking anything up. I know some of these things don't sound bad, but you know how when a lot of little things pile up and end up just sucking big time? Yeah.. That was that. It was absolutely terrible. I NEVER thought I would be the kind of person to quit after one day, but honestly, it was ridiculous. I'm also not the kind of person who minds doing physical labour or anything of the sort - I would have been fine if I had training. The fact that she didn't come in to help out or give me any form of training was pretty horrible management, and somewhat disrespectful.

Anyway... Sunday rolled around and I was meant to have another closing shift that night. The previous shift left me in tears when I crawled into bed. I wasn't going to do this again, so I quit. At first, I was all "Yaayy! I got a job! In ice cream! Best summer job ever!" and then I was like "Yaaay! I quit my job! Worst job ever!"... Well, I guess now that I've had the worst day ever, I can move on to other pursuits and deal with the rest of life.

Hmmm... What else... I went to a costume party that weekend, and dressed up as Katarina from League of Legends. I wish I had taken a picture of it, because it was pretty dang awesome. I even drew the scar on, and made throwing knives out of tinfoil and cardboard :D One of my boyo's friends got a wee bit drunk and said "Is it weird I think you're hotter as Katarina? I want you to have that cool scar forever." and then I feared for my life. Just kidding, he's an odd ball, but he's lovely. I left the throwing knives at my boyo's place, but I really hope he kept them. They were taped to a couple of belts that went around my legs. I hope I can get them back so I can dress up again and take a pic, because I really want to. I might end up just recycling it for halloween, but then again, I also might be Polywhirl for halloween. I can't decide. In case you haven't realized, I really like dressing up. It's super fun making costumes. I'd love to go to a con at some point in my life, but I feel like I'd need to step up my costume making skills. Maybe I can take a sewing workshop and buy a sewing machine so I can do it up :) That's a pretty exciting idea (I know, it's not really exciting for most people. Shhh).

My goals for the rest of this summer are: draw more, knit dinosaur toys, finish knitting gryffindor scarves, cook more, and finally play more FPS games so I can actually be good at them.

OH, hey, I started eating meat again (well, beef, chicken, turkey, bacon... everything but fish, since I was eating fish anyway), and to start off my foray into meat again after 10 years of being pescatarian, I made shepherd's pie and nommed out on it. I originally made it for my sis, her bf, and my friend, but I decided to finally partake. Here's a picture of it :3 It was delicious. It was also my first time actually cooking meat, and it worked out really well! I'm pretty happy with it.

Since then, I've just dived back into eating meat. It's freaking delicious. The only reason why I didn't eat meat before is because I was grossed out by it following biting into a mcdonalds burger and finding a vein popping out. Before that, I had been vegitarian for a few months, and was swindled back by my mother making chicken nuggets, which are my favourite things ever. Then, I was vegetarian for a while, and my parents decided I had to eat fish, so I did (reluctantly)... I don't eat fish often because it's not my favourite thing (unless it's in Sushi... mmmmmmm), but anyway. And now, 10 years later, I am eating meat again... IT'S SO DELICIOUS. Bacon and turkey are my new favourite things. I think I may like turkey better than chicken, believe it or not. I had my first ever chicken wing a couple of days ago, which was yummy and exciting... I ate it off the bone and everything!

Well, I think that's it for now. I'll update more if I think of anything. For now, I need to go take out the trash and go to the gym. Seeyah!

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